Remember this guy from here and here? Well, I got to take his three month pictures. I hadn’t seen him in probably one and a half to two months, so it was amazing to see how much he’s grown!
He’s a lot bigger and has now learned how to smile, cry, and pout. And I got to see all his new emotions.
His great grandma (I think) made him a little hat, and it was so cute!But he didn’t really like wearing it.
And his teeny shoes were too much.
The outfit he’s sporting is a very special gift from his grandma. I love it.
We hit up the park to get some lovely outdoorsy shots. Unfortunately, the grass was soaking wet. So made do (that sounds weird in the past tense) with blankets instead.
We tried out the swing, but Peter hated it.I mean, really, really hated it.
Look at this boy! Oy… He’s too much. Too much!!
I guess Peter is a “series” now. Can’t wait to do the six month pictures!