W Family

This was supposed to be an entire family, but unfortunately, the dad/husband was unable to make it. So I took pictures of the three kids. Oh my! They are so adorable! The oldest, C, was extremely cooperative and would smile, look at the camera, pose, and even suggested spots around the park in which to take pictures (he and I were always on the same wavelength, too; he’d suggest a spot right before I was about to suggest the same location). Little Miss E is an absolute doll. And polite as could be. I’d ask her to “Stand right there and look at me and smile!” To which she’d reply: “No, thank you.” Love. And Baby O was maybe not quite as cooperative as his siblings, but a cute little button nonetheless.

They wanted to make silly faces. So silly faces they made.

There were ducks in the river, so naturally they had to feed them.E didn’t know I was taking pictures, so she was surprised when she looked over and saw me. Love the expression (click on the image to get the full effect).